MY PICKS FOR WEEK NINE: After last week's surprise results I'm not at all sure who's going to be in and who will be out this week. I think Rami, Jillian and Christian will make it to New York Fashion Week, but beyond that I'm at a loss, so I'm flying blind here. I'm going to go with Jillian as the winner this week. I believe she's going all the way to the end, and for that to happen she must win a challenge. I'm going to stick to my guns and pick Ricky to go home. He has no cohesive vision, he has to go home. It's a no for Kors' favorite expression, and I will once again pick Ricky to cry.
I'm at a loss, too. And I've been dead wrong twice now. But here goes anyway:
Winner: Christian
Loser: I'm picking Ricky, too. People often swing from the top to the bottom quickly.
MOB: No.
Tears: Yes, Ricky.
I don't knowwwwww!!!!
Winner: Chris?
Loser: Sweet Pea?
Tears: Yes, Sweet Pea.
Hmmm...this is a hard call to make...but so be it, here are my picks
Winner: Sweet Pea
Loser: Chris (i think Ricky is going to somehow skate by yet again)
MOB: Yes
Tears: Yes, Sweet Pea
I am going to go with:
Winner: Ricky (he knows lingerie and can make a bra top for a wrestler)
Loser: Sweet Pea
MOB: No (on wrestling costumes?)
Tears: Yes, Ricky
Also, everyone enter to win lipstick and gloss over at LookGirl beautifies. I am giving it away and have no problems choosing from friends!
I really have no idea…
Winner: Jillian (not that I really have a reason)
Loser: Sweet Pea (if it's Ricky I'm going to scream!)
Tears: Yes, Ricky
Hrm, this is a tough one, but I'm going to go with ...
Winner: Chris - he's all about costumes.
Loser: Ugh. no clue. I'm going to with Jillian.
MOB: No.
Tears: Yes, Sweet P
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