MY PICKS FOR WEEK SEVEN: This is a tough one, because it's a team challenge this week. The only teams I could discern from the preview were Sweet P and Rami and Victorya and Jillian. On the face of it I really like the Victorya/Jillian team, but both have strong personalities and they could really clash. Because Christian came so close to going home last week I'm going to say he comes back strong. I'm going to chance it and pick him to win, because there's a chance he could be stuck with Ricky, who I'm going to pick to go home. I am stunned that Ricky is still in it, to be honest, and I really want him to go. It is time. I'm going to go with a no for mother-of-the-bride, though I do think it will return at least once more before the end of the season. As for tears, yes, I do think someone will cry because of the tension of working in teams. I'm going to go with Sweet Pea.
Winner: Rami dispite clashes.
Loser: Ricky - What's he still doing here? What was he doing here in the first place?
Tears: Yes, Sweet Pea AND Ricky
Winner: Chris
Loser: Ricky
MOB: Yes
Tears: Yes, Ricky
This is a tough week as I'm still shocked from the dismissal of Kevin!
Winner: Jillian
Loser: Ricky, it is so time to go home!
MOB: Nope, not this week
Tears: Yes, Ricky always cries!
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