MY PICKS FOR WEEK TEN: It's a double elimination week, which means we're only one week from the finale. It's so sad, I don't want it to end! Although I am ready for the judges to finally trim the fat. I am absolutely certain that Chris will be eliminated this week, and I'm also going to pick Sweet Pea. It's possible Rami could be eliminated, but I think he has more talent, which I think will carry him through. I'm going to go with Jillian to win again, I really think she's had a lot of strong looks and is due. I'm going to say yes to mother-of-the-bride, Michael Kors doesn't have many chances left to say it, so he'll return to his roots this week. I also think there will be tears, I'll pick Sweet Pea to cry, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are tears of happiness as well.
Winner: Christian.
Losers: Chris & Sweet Pea
Tears: Yes, Sweet Pea
Winner: Christian
Losers: Rami & Chris (I actually think Rami will probably make it to fashion week, but I kinda don't want him to.)
Tears: No?
Winner: Jillian
Losers: Chris and Sweet Pea (anyone else would be a crime!)
MOB: I'm saying yes– they usually have to do a gown at the end, which gives him the chance to say it. Why not!
Tears: Yes, there will be lots of them!
Winner: I'm going to go with Jillian.
Losers: Chris and Sweet P
MOB: Sure, MK is due.
Tears: Yes, Sweet P. clue...
winner: sweet pea
losers: chris and rami
mob: yes
tears: yes, sweet pea
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