MY PICK FOR WEEK TWELVE: Well this is it, the end of another season, and the onset of Runway withdrawal. I think Jillian is going to win it all, and I think it's well deserved. I would be OK with any of the three finalists winning, but disappointed, absolutely, if Jillian doesn't get the recognition she has deserved all season. She's a great designer of clothes for women. They're drool-inducing and fashion forward without being over-the-top. Christian's clothing is too costume-y, which is why I think he got along so well with Chris. It's all collars and darts and Flock of Seagulls looking. Rami makes beautiful dresses, no doubt, but that's it, and the next great designer has to do more than dress a starlet.
I think Jillian deserves to win, but I think Christian has been the judges' favorite all along. I say Christian.
I have to go with Jillian she definitely deserves it the most in my opinion. I agree with Rachel, Christian is way to costumey, in my opinion sometimes much more so than Chris. And Rami just won't pull it out like the other two will. I cannot believe it's over, I feel like I've been waiting for this season to start for months and now it's already over :(
I think Jillian should win and will win, tho I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it to Christian, too. The judges seem to like a prodigy. But my official pick is Jillian.
I vote Christian...he's the only one left that i like :)
Guess I'm not the only one who's all torn up about this. I love Jillian's clothing and I think it's way more wearable than anything anyone else is making, but I love Christian's dramatic presentation and I think the judges do too. Jillian has the potential to be the next great American designer along the lines of Ralph Lauren and Micheal Kors, but Christian has the potential to be the next great international designer along the lines of John Galliano and Alexander McQueen. It could come down to business sense, in which case I think Jillian would win it. But my official answer is Christian will win for raw talent, cohesiveness and dramatic showmanship. Project Runway has yet to see anything like him.
I'm going to say Jillian since I can't win anyway, and I just really like her, though I know that everyone (aka the judges) loves Christian.
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