WEEK ONE: The return of "Project Runway" makes me happy in so many ways it's hard to put my elation into words. The crazy clothes, the catty judges, the back-stabbing designers, it's perfect TV. So what better way to celebrate than to participate in a "Project Runway" fantasy league. Let the men have their football fantasy leagues, this is so much better. And participating is so easy. All you have to do is leave a comment, right here, by 10 p.m. every Wednesday night with four criteria.
The first: Pick the winner of the challenge. (If it's a team challenge you get the same points for picking one of the winners as if it's an individual challenge.) Winning picks are worth 10 points.
The second: Pick the designer to get the boot. (And that would be a round-toe boot this season.) Same as with the previous category, if more than one designer is eliminated you're awarded the same number of points for picking one of the casualties. Winning picks are worth 7 points.
The third: A yes or no question, will Michael Kors use the phrase "Too mother-of-the-bride," or "Too MOB" for short. Winning picks are worth 5 points.
The fourth: Will someone cry on the show this week? This pick is worth two points, with an extra point, if your answer is yes, for correctly identifying the weeper. A no pick will get you three points if correct.
My picks for Episode two: Rami started off really strong, but the judges love to knock the top contestants down a couple of pegs, so I'm going to go with Victorya as the winner this week. Her first dress was sweet, if impractical. For the loser I'm going to go with Marion. Was he even in the first episode? He was that forgettable. As for Michael Kors, I'm going to go with yes. He's pretty hooked on this phrase. It seems a little early for tears, but I think there are a few sensitive (or psychotic) souls in this bunch. I'm voting a yes for tears, and I think it will be Sweet P.
To help you out, here are the names of the contestants again, pictured from left to right above: Carmen, Elisa, Jack, Steven, Chris, Christian, Kevin, Simone, Kit, Rami, Jillian, Ricky, Sweet P, Victorya, Marion.
May the fashion force be with you. Check back on Fridays to check how you did and where you stand in the rankings.