IT'S BACK: It's so sad that this is the last stand of "Project Runway" on Bravo. And the network has hardly previewed the new season at all, one can only assume it's their revenge on the series for picking up and leaving them for Lifetime. But their attempts to bury this summer season have failed, as we get set to launch our second fantasy league. Round one will be different from the other rounds, as we'll start with just a couple of questions. The first is to pick two of the top designers. Each correct pick will be worth five points, with a bonus five going if you pick the winner correctly. The second will be to pick two of the bottom two designers, with each pick worth five points, with the exact pick of the loser being worth a bonus five. Please note, your picks must be among the final groups standing on stage in the bottom and top to be correct.
MY PICKS: I think Wesley and Emily have the strongest resumes. But I think Wesley will emerge as the winner of week one. Blayne and Keith seem to be the weakest, but I think Keith will be sent home first.
I had no idea Runway was leaving Bravo for Lifetime! How random is that!
Anywho, here are my picks:
Top two: Kelli & Jerry
Winner: Kelli
Bottom two: Jerell & Keith
Aufed: Keith
Holy crap, it's already on tonight? Well, here are some last-minute guesses (and is it just me, or does there seem to be a lot of people with very little talent?):
Top: Wesley and winner, Jerry
Bottom: Daniel and loser, Korto
ah, who knows!
top 2:
emily and jerry
emily wins
bottom feeders:
i'll choose jennifer and leanne
jennifer goes home
No idea! Here are my guesses:
Two in the top:
Wesley and Leanne ... Leanne wins?
Two in the bottom:
Jennifer and Terri ... Terri's out?
Leanne and Kenley with Leanne for the win
and bottom 2 terri and korto...with korto to be the big loooser.
Wow we all had a big upset - what a shocker!
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