WEEK ONE RESULTS: So, I have a bone to pick with the judges of my beloved "Project Runway." There is no way that Jerry deserved to be auf'd before Stella, she of the stitched-together garbage bags. So unfair! And we thought Joe's pasta skirt and top deserved to make the top two. My next mission is to figure out how I can be a judge! As for this week's results, it was a slow start, with Kate coming out on top by picking the winner. Kate netted 10 points, and I netted five, everyone else finished with zero, sorry to say. But to quote The Carpenters, we've only just begun. We'll play with the same rules as last week, but we'll add a bonus question this week worth 10 points: Will one of the designers cry?
MY PICKS: So there are definitely a few designers who stood out week one. My picks for the top two are Daniel and Kenley, with Daniel winning. The bottom two will be Blayne and Suede, with Blayne going home. And I vote yes, someone will cry.